Monday, December 22, 2008

Why You Should Start Your Day With Exercise

I am just not a morning person. To be honest, I’m the person that is still reaching for the snooze button about an hour after my alarm clock first started howling. For must of us, exercise is not an appealing choice in the morning when gauged against a warm, cozy bed.

But something has to be said for the benefits that people claim to receive from working out in the morning. “I have so much more energy,” “I feel better about myself throughout the day.”

Exercising at any time of day is beneficial, but it seems as if there are more positive outcomes of morning exercise in comparison to working out later at night. If you can make the commitment to get out of bed a little earlier than usual, you might find that it rewards other parts of your life besides cardiovascular health.

1. A Metabolism Boost Throughout the Day

Exercise causes our metabolic rate to increase—meaning our bodies burn calories more quickly and efficiently—for approximately four to eight hours after a workout. However, the boost could be more beneficial in the morning because the spike lasts throughout the day. If you exercise at night, you’ll still reap the benefits of the boost, but for a shorter period (because you’ll probably be sleeping relatively soon after). Not only that, but people who exercise in the morning also tend to make better food choices throughout the day.

2. Better Performance at Work

It’s no secret that a hard workout can decrease our stress levels. When we begin our day by exercising, the reduction of stress, however slight, can make us more focused, more energized, and ready to tackle the day’s responsibilities. Working out increases blood flow to the brain and gives us a more alert mind—so morning exercise is great preparation for helping us successfully get through our day.

Similarly, a study at the Leeds Metropolitan University found that workers were significantly more productive and better able to communicate effectively with co-workers after exercising than on the days that they didn’t exercise. Imagine arriving at work more focused, in a better mood, and mentally equipped to tackle the day. You might even be able to skip that first cup of coffee.

3. Increased Likelihood to Stick with It

The number one reason most people give for not exercising daily is “I don’t have time.” But waiting until later in the day to exercise increases the likelihood that something will come up and get in the way of your workout. For example, a plan for a lunchtime jog can be pushed back for an impromptu lunch meeting. And after working all day, the likelihood of wanting to spend an hour at the gym decreases for most of us.

4. A Better Night’s Sleep

There is a reason to exercise earlier in the day: better sleep. A study at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center found that the participants who exercised in the mornings experienced a better quality of sleep than those who worked out later in the day. Early workouts can also help regulate your body’s internal clock. The morning surge of energy sends a signal to the brain that reinforces daytime hours as a time for activity, and nighttime as being a period of rest. Working out too close to bedtime (the National Sleep Foundation recommends no closer than two or three hours before) can disrupt that signal. By exercising in the morning, our evenings can become a time for decompression after working, which is good for our emotional health as well.

5. A Happier Outlook

One reason that exercise reduces stress is because it signals the release of endorphins, chemicals that elevate mood and decrease pain levels. It’s like a natural dose of morphine, our body’s way of compensating for the stress we put on it while exercising. Think of it as a reward—ever heard of runner’s high? Some consider the rush of endorphins to be a euphoric experience, while others feel a general calmness after working out. Starting out the day with an energy boost and higher spirits will have even more positive, lasting effects on the rest of the day. Researchers at Glasgow University concluded that people who exercised in the morning experienced more of a dramatic increase in feelings of well-being than those who exercised later in the day.

One thing is certain: whether we exercise in the morning, afternoon, or at night, we’re doing something wonderful for our minds and bodies. But we shouldn’t ignore the advantages of getting an early start on working out because we don’t think we can make it a routine. The extra benefits of joining the morning exercise club may be motivation enough to throw off the blankets and start our day on a healthy, active note.

By Syleena Johnson, BDO Staff Writer